Real Talk by SIP: Making Space for Nightlife Culture

Über diese Veranstaltung

Introducing "Real Talk": A series of virtual roundtables designed to ignite innovation and collaboration within the hospitality industry. In these dynamic sessions, leaders from across the globe converge for stimulating 90-minute conversations aimed at shaping the future of hospitality. "Real Talk" isn't just about dialogue—it's about action. Each session delves deep into an important topic, fostering insightful discussions among participants from diverse backgrounds and regions. Join us as we share, inspire, and pioneer the Hospitality of Tomorrow, setting the stage for a dynamic evolution in the way we approach hospitality.

To kick things off, we feel it's essential to address the need for making space for nightlife culture. The importance of preserving space for nightlife and hospitality culture is paramount amidst rising challenges from gentrification and venue closures. With a 31% decline in UK nightlife venues last year, reported by the NTIA, there's an urgent need to address the crisis of diminishing affordable and accessible spaces. Exploring new opportunities and innovative approaches is crucial for safeguarding its future.

Time: Add to your calendar to view the time in your timezone

4:00-5:30PM (CEST/GMT+2)

2:00-3:30PM (UTC)

3:00-4:30PM (BST-London/Dublin)

10:00-11:30AM (EDT-Toronto/New York)


Lenny Watson: founder of Sister Midnight

Said Yassin: founder of IT'S OK*

During this virtual roundtable, participants will discover ongoing advocacy and policy efforts to preserve nightlife and hospitality spaces, gaining inspiration from industry experts to become change agents in their communities. Lenny Watson and Said Yassin are joining as guest speakers to share their experience and strategies for finding spaces in these challenging times. 

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