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Irish Coffee Day

Über diese Veranstaltung

Let's celebrate one of the most comforting drink, brought to us by the Irish... The Irish Whiskey. In the cozy winter of 1943, the enchanting tale of Irish Coffee unfolded, thanks to the whimsical genius of Chef Joe Sheridan at Foynes Port near Limerick, Ireland. Picture this: Foynes had transformed into a bustling hub during World War II, evolving into a transatlantic airbase frequented by political bigwigs and Hollywood stars. With flights often making pit stops due to weather, Chef Sheridan, fueled by empathy for chilly and delayed travelers, conjured up a magical elixir in the form of Irish Coffee. Legend has it that on one frosty evening, as passengers sipped on this heavenly brew, a wide-eyed American exclaimed, "Hey Buddy, is this Brazilian coffee?" Quick on his feet, Chef Joe replied with a twinkle in his eye, "No, that's Irish Coffee." This delightful concoction became an instant sensation, especially at the Foynes Air base. Fast forward to 1952, post-war era, when travel writer Stanton Delaplane introduced Irish Coffee to the United States. He captivated Jack Koeppler, a bartender at San Francisco's Buena Vista Hotel, who valiantly attempted to recreate it. However, faced with the sinking cream dilemma, Koeppler embarked on a mission to the roots, seeking guidance from none other than Chef Joe Sheridan in Limerick, Ireland. Today, if you find yourself in Ireland, make a beeline for the Foynes Flying Boat & Maritime Museum (formerly the airport). Treat yourself to an authentic Irish Coffee, and when you do, be sure to mention our cheerful recommendation! The best Irish coffee is made with Jameson whiskey, here is the recipe: 1 PART CREAM ⅓ PARTS DEMERARA SUGAR SYRUP 3 PARTS ESPRESSO 1⅙ PARTS JAMESON ORIGINAL GRATED NUTMEG 1 VANILLA POD Dissolve 2 parts Demerara sugar in 3 parts of boiling water for the syrup. Stir sugar syrup into 35ml Jameson in a warmed glass. Whip 30ml chilled double cream lightly until it starts to stiffen. Brew a 45ml shot of coffee into the glass from your espresso machine. Pour the whipped cream into the coffee over the back of a spoon so it floats on top. Garnish with a trimmed vanilla pod or a stick of cinnamon and dust with a grating of fresh nutmeg. More information and recipes on: #SIPanIrishCoffee


Bow Street, Bow Street, Smithfield, Dublin 7, Irlande

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