
Jameson Irish Whiskey Knowledge


Jameson Irish Whiskey Knowledge

If you’re thirsty for knowledge, you’ve come to the right place. This immersive digital course delves into the rich heritage, meticulous craftsmanship, and exceptional taste of Jameson Irish Whiskey. Along the way, we'll uncover everything there is to know about our world famous Irish Whiskey, from our story, to our process and even our taste, all triple distilled right here for you to enjoy!


In this lesson - you will be introduced to the one of the most well-known & successful Irish Whiskeys.

In this lesson - you will examine the Irish whiskey category and it's key points of difference from the Scotch category.

In this lesson - you will unpack the 240 year history of Jameson Irish Whiskey. In doing so - you will explore the story of Irish Whiskey as a whole - it's rise, fall and resurgence.

In this lesson - you will learn about where the magic happens - Midleton Distillery.

In this lesson - you will learn about the key ingredients that Jameson uses to make itsiconic Irish Whiskey.

In this lesson - you will go through how Jameson processes its ingredients and prepares them for distillation.

In this lesson - we will look at the process that is at the core of our product, Triple Distillation.

In this lesson - you will learn about how spending time in barrels is so important for Jameson's whiskey!

In this lesson - you will discover the final steps of the process right before it is ready to be sent out and shared with the world!

In this lesson - the main points of difference that make Jameson so special will be summarised.

In this lesson, you will learn about Jameson's journey through culture, starting the way back in the 80's.

This lesson will bring you through how to best describe the Jameson personality.

This lesson will bring you through how to best describe the Jameson tone of voice.

In this lesson, you will learn everything you need to know about our target audience - the L.A.D.S.

Jameson Black Barrel - for those moments where you want an elevated drink for for a premium occasion

Jameson IPA and Stout Edition - for a curious consumer who wants to experiment with something different. Discover what happens when two great things come together.

This lesson will bring you through everything you need to know about Jameson Original Signature Serve - Jameson, Ginger Ale and Lime, which is enjoyed all around the world!

In this lesson, you will learn about building, making and enjoying our Jameson Back Barrel Signature Serves.

In this lesson, we have a look at our Jameson IPA and stout Edition Signature Serves.
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