Heroes of Hospitality- Luca Ardito on Parenthood

27 November 2023

Luca Ardito
Being a parent while you work as a hospitality professional are two full time jobs. And we are well aware, that balancing these two extremely demanding jobs, is no joke!

SIP has taken to its mission to help all you parents to find a balance and to do that, we are interviewing hospitality members from across the globe who are navigating parenthood, as they balance their lives as professionals in the hospitality industry. Introducing our guest- Luca Ardito, Director of Beverages, W Milan who is also a husband and a father to a baby boy! Read what he had to say about his life as a parent in the hospitality industry here:

Team SIP: What's your name and how many kids do you have? 
Luca: I am Luca Ardito and I have a beautiful baby boy

Team SIP: What's your job?​ Do your partner and you both work in hospitality? Together?

Luca: I hold the position of Director of Beverage and my partner is not a hospitality professional but works in the fashion industry.

Team SIP: Where did your partner and you meet?
Luca: We've known each other since we were 16! 

Team SIP: When did the two of you started raising the question of having kids? Have you always wanted to have kids? When taking the decision, did you have doubts or fears and why?
Luca: I've always wanted it! We never talked about it deeply, because we both knew it would happen. There was fear and I must say a lot of it, because you are never are really ready for such an important change, not knowing what to expect is the most difficult thing!

Team SIP: How do your partner and you split your missions/ working hours?
Luca: Every day is a new mission. I mainly work in the evening, so in the morning I take him to the nursery, as soon as nursery is finished his grandmother goes to pick him up and his mother picks him from the grandmother. 

Team SIP: Has one of you reduced their working responsibilities since you became parents? 
Luca: At the moment not really, we are able to manage our home and professional lives, thanks to the different schedules.

​Team SIP: Have you noticed a before/after being parents? 
Luca: One can definitely notice the difference! 

Team SIP: What's the toughest daily challenge? 
Luca: Its certainly the time, everything is always done in a hurry, also hoping that the child doesn't get sick 🤞

Team SIP: Would you consider it’s easier, when having a career in hospitality, when both parents work in the same industry (and possibly even together) or when they evolve in different jobs and work environments? 
Luca: I honestly believe that when you have different schedules, management is easier, so everyone has different tasks, and we help each other.

Team SIP: What would you advise to other parents working in hospitality? Any tips?
Luca: The advice I can give is that work is essential, especially for those who put passion, love and professionalism into it, but no one can understand what love is if they have never had a child! It takes responsibility, seriousness and organization which in our sector is the base of everything, so don't be scared!

Stay tuned on this space for guidance from more hospitality professionals as they share their journey with us.

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