Heroes of Hospitality - Christophe Sichanh on Parenthood

28 November 2023

Christophe Sichanh
Finding the right balance between our family and work life is what all of strive for. But things change when there is a child involved. Your plans take a different route, you have to become more flexible and calmer. Becoming a parent might look like a challenge, but things change as soon as the baby is born.

Continuing our series of interviews with hospitality experts who are also navigating parenthood alongside their roles in the industry, we have our next guest- Christoph Sichanh, Brand Ambassador of Italicus in France, a father to a beautiful girl and uncle to 11 kids! Read what he had to say about his life as a parent in the hospitality industry here:

Team SIP: What's your name and how many kids do you have?  
Christophe: My name is Christophe and I’m the happy father of a beautiful girl.

Team SIP: What's your job? 
Christophe: I've been the Brand ambassador for Italicus in France since September 2023, and used to be owner of a restaurant and a bar. Born and raised in the industry!

Team SIP: Where did your partner and you meet? 
Christophe: In my bar, she used to be a regular customer from the neighborhood.

Team SIP: When did the two of you started raising the question of having kids? Did you have any doubts?
Christophe: After we moved in together. I always wanted to have kids, I’m uncle of 11 children, godfather of 5 and grew in a big family (4 sisters and 1 brother). No doubt or fears, I use to say that we are never ready for a kid, when it happens you make yourself ready.

Team SIP: How do your partner and you split your missions and responsibilities, now that you are parents? 
Christophe: It's all new for me, so we try to support each other as much as we can, communication is the key, I guess.  

Team SIP: Have you noticed a before/after being parents?  
Christophe: Of course, everything changes, we have only 24 hours in a day and taking care of a children takes you lots of time.

Team SIP: What's the toughest daily challenge?!
Christophe: Good question, every days/weeks/months are different, you always have to be ready. Lack of sleep, sickness and more are not planed, you will have to be flexible and calm even if you didn’t sleep.

Team SIP: Do you work together or in the same industry with your partner? 
Christophe: We don’t work together and absolutely not in the same industry. Working together can help or not I don’t know. I think it's not really about the work, its more about personality and character.

Team SIP: What would you advise to other parents working in hospitality? Any tips?
Christophe: Communication, transparency, flexibility.

Stay tuned on this space for guidance from more experts as they share their journey with us.

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